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Most of us started to fall prey to common misconceptions when we were kids. Now, that we’re all grown up and supposed to know better, we still believe in many myths about the things around us. And why not? Your mom or pop told you the reason why the sky is blue or who invented baseball. You have always been told not to swallow your bubble gum or it will stick in your gut for weeks or months. Much other stuff out there has been accepted as gospel truth, we don’t even think about whether or not they are really true. Because prior knowledge makes us resistant to learning new facts, we tend to cling onto these obsolete notions.
Aside from our families and friends, we have always relied upon historians, teachers, scientists and even the media to show us the facts. They have always taught us valuable knowledge. Well, that same knowledge can change over time. What may be held true a hundred years or ten years ago may not be the case today. But these things tend to persist even though new evidence comes into light to debunk them.
So we can be wrong just like everybody else. That’s alright. We all try to learn every day and challenge our notions and beliefs. Yes, anyone can look like a fool by believing in common misconceptions and then uncovering the truth. But surely you’re not one those guys. You are smarter than the common folk. At least you think you are.
Prove it by taking the ‘Common Misconceptions Quiz’ right now! Show your friends and family that you have been right all along about the real deal behind the demise of the dinosaurs or whatnot.
You can’t be wrong about that, can you? After all you don’t want to get duped into believing in common misconceptions.
You can take the ‘Common Misconceptions Quiz’ on Facebook and share it with your friends! Or take the quiz right now by clicking the image below.
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