Cloze Question Type

You can now use Cloze questions in Question Writer HTML5 as of version 5.2

A cloze question is a paragraph with words missing that the quiz taker can fill in. It looks like this – click on the image to try it in your browser.

The QW HTML5 Cloze question is the greatest Cloze question ever created. Why? Two reasons – first, it allows multiple answers for any of the missing words, so the student doesn’t need to guess the exact form of the answer required – ‘Mt. Etna’ is acceptable as is ‘Mount Etna’, ‘Etna’, or ‘Aetna’. Secondly, you can accept misspelled answers as correct because you’re usually testing for knowledge rather than spelling.

Create a new question by clicking on the Cloze button or adding from the right click menu. Use underscores to indicate where the answers should go – your authoring form will look like this –

It’s a free addition to Question Writer HTML5 so download the latest version to give it a try – there’s also now a Cloze question in the sample Italy quiz.

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