Math Equations – MathML, LaTeX, ASCIIMathML Support

Question Writer HTML5 now supports math equations through the Mathjax library. Use MathML, LaTeX or ASCIIMathML in a Math element and it will be displayed using Mathjax.


Here’s a sample math quiz to see it in action in your browser. You can download the sample math quiz source.


To add equations to a quiz, add the Math element, then enter your equation in MathML or LaTeX format. You can add the Math element as question body content, or within options for questions. You can use equations in any type of questions, including matching, sequencing and custom question types.


The Mathjax library can be bundled with your quiz or loaded from the web. Usually you’ll want to load it from the web – this will keep the size of the quiz down, and make it faster for the viewer. However, when authoring your quiz, it’ll be faster for previews to leave this option switched off. If the end user of the quiz won’t have internet access, you’ll want to bundle the library with your quiz.

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