There’s a new version of Question Writer HTML5 available to download. There’s one big new feature and a few minor fixes.
1. Question Feedback – Each question can now include three types of feedback – general, correct and incorrect. The feedback can now include all media types, including images, audio, video, html, mathml etc. – anything you can think of can be feedback for a question.
2. Preview Button – Sometimes the preview pane can freeze under a heavy usage. There’s a preview button on the main toolbar now – this resets the preview pane. Use it if the preview isn’t keeping up with your edits.
3. QTI Export – The QTI export has bug fixes and improvement to closely follow the QTI 1.2 specification. Question Writer HTML5 is the most versatile QTI authoring software available.
4. Result Sending Timeout Fix – We’ve had reports from users on very slow internet connections of timeouts that occur before results are successfully sent through. A new fix gradually increases the timeout period if the user is having trouble sending results.