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Steve Jobs rocks! He is a true trailblazer and an innovator whose products have changed the way we live today. The iPod, iPhone and the iPad have made quite an impact on consumers in the past decade. Apple is the most valuable technology company in the world thanks to Jobs. His vision has guided this once-fledgling company to new heights.
He once said, “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” And he showed us indeed. His effective presentation style and salesmanship have captivated many audiences and translated into huge sales of Apple products.
Yeah, he fired us up with his keynote speeches in his trademark attire. Of course we all went along with the hype and lined up in the freezing cold hours before an Apple store opened. We just wanted to be one of the first to have one of those goodies from Apple.
But that’s OK. His products are well worth the hype anyway. What is it about Steve Jobs which made us believe every single word that came out of his mouth (well, maybe not every word)?
Anyway, we can all agree that Steve Jobs made technology cool. Don’t you just feel the awesomeness when you flash your shiny new iPad?
Sadly, his well-documented health struggles have forced him to resign from Apple. Whatever happens, Steve Jobs will always be known as an influential figure that comes only once in a generation.
How well do you know him? We have a small, fun quiz for you to find out! Click below to start answering some questions about Steve Jobs.