Question Writer 3.1 is available for download today. You can download it by clicking here. You’ll need to uninstall the old version before installing the new one. It’s a minor upgrade, so if you have a license for Version 3, it’ll work with 3.1 too.
Version 3.1 has the 7 new widescreen templates. It also clears up a few major bugs and a few minor ones too.
1. Meaningful Question Names in the reporting.
It was difficult before to match up questions wiht the online reporting – now it’s a lot easier. The question will be identified by the title given in the metadata of the question. Or if there is no metadata, it’ll use the first 50 characters of the question text.
2. Scrollbars on Macintosh
There is a problem with the scrollbar on quizzes when used with some versions of the Flash Player. I’ve reported this to Adobe. I don’t think it’s a priority for them but we can change QW a lot faster than they can push a new Flash Player out to a billion users anyway. If you’re using quizzes with scrollbars with Macintosh users, you might want to re-publish using the updated themes in 3.1
3. Publish as Flash 6 / 7 / 8
You’ve now got a choice as to which Flash File Format to publish to. The default is version 6, but you might want to use a higher version if you’re using Flash files that utilize the features of the more recent players. Experiment with these values if you’re including a Flash File that doesn’t seem to be working properly.
4. Settings File
If your settings file becomes corrupted, QW will now re-initialise it rather than throw a hissy fit and stubbornly refuse to do anything.
5. Temp File Handling
QW was writing some temporary files to the application directory – this was causing problems on some locked down systems. No longer.
6. Custom Results Server
QW was using the newly entered values for the results server and backup server even when the check was switched off and those values were greyed out. Naughty QW!
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