We understand that you might run out of time when evaluating the Question Writer software. Just let us know and if necessary we can extend your trial period by a number of days.
Email us at support@questionwriter and we will send you a special product activation key that will be valid for a specific number of days, usually 14.
Once you have your product key, open Question Writer and select Other Options
A new window will open where you should click Extend your trial
In the next window enter the product key that we sent you, making sure to enter it exactly as it was sent to you, and click Next.
A new window will appear confirming that your software has been activated for a specific number of days.
When you click on Finish at the bottom of the window, Question Writer will open.
Please remember that although the software you will use for your evaluation is the full version of the software, it is intended for evaluation purposes only. All quizzes published during the trial period will be marked for evaluation purposes only and will be removed from the server after the end of the trial period.
If you want to use a quiz created during your trial once you have purchased a license you must remember to save the .qwz file and then you can simply open it with your licensed software and republish it. If you published using Question Writer Tracker the new licensed quiz will simply overwrite the version published during evaluation. For other publishing methods you will have to renew the links or uploaded files.