Before you go ahead and publish to the web there are a couple of things to check:
- make sure that you have ticked the Browser Options box to maximise the quiz in the browsers (in the Web Settings properties) and
- give a link for quiz takers to jump to after completing the quiz.
When you are ready to publish select Publish to the Web. Question Writer will create files for you to load your into your website, letting you know as soon as the files are ready.
If you click on Yes, a browser will open showing you the files ready for you to upload to your website.
If you are using pre-generated random quizzes there will be a series of files for each random quiz generated.
All the files contained in the directory have to be uploaded to your website in a new folder or directory. The actual process for doing this will depend on your website content management system but generally your users will access the quiz via the index file.
If you do not already have a website you could just Publish to Question Writer Tracker.