Collator 1.3

Here’s an update for the Collator software. Collator 1.3.
You’ll remember Collator is a PHP application that uses MySQL to store results collected from quizzes in your own database, on your own server. It can be run on its own, or in combination with the backup server to ensure that results are collected even if the server suffers failure.
Here’s a changelog of what’s new in Collator 1.3 –
* 1.3
* Changed Error Logging to remove uninteresting errors
* 1.2
* Added additional identifiers to the email where they are not blank
* Added change IP recorded when resultset comes from backup server
* Added additional Candidate fields written into userdata db fields
* Added fix to XML parsing to allow for special XML characters in ID, also remove spaces after special XML characters
* Added facility to check if e-mail is not provided directly, but referenced by an id
* 1.1.1
* Put all the Resultsets into a single SQL query to reduce processing time
* Added ReplyTo header to help with spam rating
* Added MIME header for e-mail to avoid MIME_HEADER_CTYPE_ONLY rating
* Added newline in table for each line – email was being rejected for having lines that were too long
* Externalized e-mail call
* Added duplicate result checking in LogXML function
* Set LogXML to false as a default
* Check PassFail value for PASS/FAIL value – set to pass if value not recognized
* Check for empty name/value pairs generated by old QW quizzes
Here’s the main Question Writer Collator page.

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