How to Make a Quiz With Matching Questions

Matching Type Questions

Photo: Steve Wilson

A quiz with matching questions can assess recognition and recall. These questions force students to assimilate detailed knowledge in one fell swoop.

Two columns of choices are set against each other. You need to find the appropriate pair of objects or concepts in the columns that has a direct relationship with each other. To look at how you can create matching type questions, see below.

Step 1Click the “Matching Type” icon on the main panel.

Step 1: Matching Type

Alternatively, you can right-click the green quiz icon, select “Add” then “Matching.”

Step 1: Right ClickStep 2Type the question in the box.

Step 2: QuestionStep 3Add an image file.

Step 3: Add ImageStep 4Type the choices in the columns. The correct pairs should be typed opposite each other. For example, “Sender = conveys the message”. The choices in the second column will be jumbled in the real test.

Step 4: Type ChoicesStep 5Limit the number of matches that will be randomized.

Step 5: Limit MatchesStep 6Assign points for the correct answer.

Step 6: PointsStep 7

Type the feedback to correct and incorrect answers. Hit the “Preview” button.

Step 7: FeedbackStep 8Drag and drop the items from the right column into their appropriate places in the left column. When you are sure of the answers, click next.

Step 8: Drag and DropStep 9The points and the feedback to your answer is shown.

Step 9: Preview

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