Here’s a short quiz about Ukranian politics, in Ukranian. I’m not going to identify the author because I don’t know what the questions mean but I do know politics in the Ukraine can be a contentious business so I’ll leave it out. The reason I’m posting it to show Question Writer working with another character set – in this case, ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic).
Mostly character sets work transparently, you just enter the text you need and the characters are automatically made available in the quiz, but if you are using fill-in-the-blank quesitons with extended character sets, you need to tell the application to make a particular set of characters available using this option
Quiz Properties – > Advanced Settings -> Embed Font (Check)-> ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)
The options are US English, West European, East European, North European, South European, Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Turkish, Nordic, Thai, Baltic, Celtic, West European Updated.
Some of the Asian character sets aren’t represented here eg. Chinese/Japanese – that’s becuase they contain so many characters that it takes too long to include them with the quiz and would make the quiz file size too large. If you’d like your users to be able to enter characters in these character sets, you should uncheck the ‘Embed Font’ box altogether. Then the user should be able to enter any characters that are available on their local system.
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