More Fixes

I’ve just put up a new update of Quiz Edition. (That’s Question Writer Assembly Version: 2.0.2225.32051)
It’s got lots of little issues fixed that beta testers have been finding.
1. The online help menu item links directly to the Question Writer Forum
2. The Quiz caption is fixed and each question now uses the start of the question text to identify itself in the quiz tree view.
3. The words for True / False are now editable so can be changed according to your language.
4. The Author field in the report has been removed for commercial licenses.
5. The Name / User ID field now obeys the ‘Don’t embed charset’. This allows for Chinese / Japanese / Korean characters in the Name/ID field. However, if this option is selected, the characters can’t be automatically rotated on the report – and so landscape printing, where required needs to be manually selected when priniting.

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