There are a few ways to include video in your quiz. The easiest way is to include a YouTube video. The video will be displayed inside your quiz, but it will be loaded from YouTube.
Here’s a sample quiz with this style of video question.
And you can Download the Quiz here (right click, save as).
This method uses a piece of flash that points at the correct YouTube video. You can choose which YouTube video by editing the parameter. Also, it doesn’t necessarily need to point to a YouTube video – it will work with any online Flash video (version 8 or less).
The easiest way to use this style of question is to
1. Download the sample quiz and open it in Question Writer
2. Drag and drop the video question into your own quiz
3. Customize it by changing the video parameter and question text/options.
Method 2
Another method is to embed the whole video inside the quiz. To do this, you must first convert the video to the .swf format. You’ll need an additional tool to do that. There are many tools that can help you do this, here are links to a few if you don’t already have one –
Once you’ve made the .swf, you can include it in the same way you’d include an image, or using the content model, you can include it as a piece of Flash.
Which Method Should I Use?
These two methods have different strengths – the first method keeps the quiz file small, it loads quickly and only requests the video from the YouTube when displaying it to the user.
The second method embeds everything is a single quiz file – that can be a very large file but is more suitable for delivery offline, or where you don’t want your videos to be available separately from your quiz.
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