How to Make a Sequence Question


Photo: Malkav

Sometimes you want to find out if a test taker knows about how to actually carry out a procedure or process instead of just knowing a few facts about it. A sequence question can do this for you.

If the learner places the steps in correct order then a point (or points) is awarded. Setting up a sequence question is straightforward. You can follow the steps outlined below to create this type of question.

Step 1Click the “New Quiz” icon on the control panel.

Step 1: New QuizStep 2

Double-click the green book icon to name your quiz.

Step 2: Quiz TitleStep 3

Select “Sequencing” for the the type of question.

Step 3: SequencingStep 4

Type the question in the blank field as shown.

Step 4: Question Body

Step 5

Tick the box to include an image.

Step 5: Add ImageStep 6Type the answers in correct order. A indicates the first step, B the second step and so on.

Step 6: AnswersStep 7Assign how many points you want to give for the correct answer.

Step 7: PointsStep 8Type the explanations of your correct and incorrect answers. These will show up after the user makes an attempt to answer the question. You can have the same feedback for right or wrong answers, or you can differentiate them.

Step 8: FeedbackStep 9Hit the “Preview” tab to look at how your questions will look in the real test.

Step 9

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